Brideog from the weekend retreat
Samhain usually seems impossibly long, mostly because there are so many things to do, so much preparation for the powerful hinge that happens as Winter descends. We grown used to it after all these years of doing public rituals and events. And when mid-November arrives, we’ve taken some time off and slept in a couple of times and are eyeing the Winter Solstice.
I prepped for Imbolc, as you know, by adapting some of the material from Alexander Carmichael’s “Carmina Gadelica.” A set of new Brigid prayers, ready for, well, for praying.
I went to the Brigid spring to nab some water and leave some love. I attended a small and powerful Brigid event at Mother Grove and created and led a public ritual the following evening.
This past weekend, a colleague and I led a Brigid retreat that was deep and rich. And tiring.
So I had a bit of a break on Monday and tried turning my thoughts towards the Vernal Equinox. But I started putting away the clouties and the Wheels. I put the candle from Kildare back in its green box and put the triple Brigid on my altar.
And what I’m thinking of doing tomorrow? Adapting a few more of those Carmichael-collected incantations.
Nah…I don’t think Imbolc is quite finished with me yet.
Imbolc can’t seem to let go of me either, Byron, or me of Brigid. I love having my altar up in the living room and want to keep it the rest of February. Still feels like early early spring. It is!