The Alewives is a closed group of Witches who meet weekly to learn new things and dream a new world.
We met last night and immediately started a fire in the brazier, dragging chairs and kindling into a circle around it. We spoke of the work to come, the weather, our lives, the world.
It is somehow a natural step to think of the future when you are in such a place of possibility, in the warm evening of a mountain spring. But the vision was sad and frightening–no matter how much food we grow and preserve, how we reclaim medicine, how we work cooperatively–won’t there be roaming bands of miscreants with weaponry to steal our work and maybe our lives? Can we be more highly weaponized, more warlike, more successful at the patriarchy’s well-thumbed playbook for conquest than it has been?
Probably not.
But…we are Witches and magic workers. We are in the process of inventing new systems and there is every reason to believe that new systems can be more effective than the old ones. No, we can’t beat the patriarchy at its own game–why would we want to? New game, new rules.
New world.
Join us?
Absolutely. New rules for a new world.
** High Priority **
Count me in! New world, new ways (we are an old people, we are a new people, we are the same people–better than before!)
>>> My Village Witch 03/19/15 9:24 AM >>> a:hover { color: red; } a { text-decoration: none; color: rgb(0,136,204); } a.primaryactionlink:link, a.primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: rgb(37,133,178); color: rgb(255,255,255); } a.primaryactionlink:hover, a.primaryactionlink:active { background-color: rgb(17,114,158); color: rgb(255,255,255); } ashevillewitch posted: “The Alewives is a closed group of Witches who meet weekly to learn new things and dream a new world. We met last night and immediately started a fire in the brazier, dragging chairs and kindling into a circle around it. We spoke of the work to come, the “
You’re in. Now get to work. 😉
I think lately I am wary of the “hierarchical organizations” of even the most wild wimmin and their structures. How does one create a circle of equality when there are always ladders in the circle, especially when we gals have not had our own power taken seriously by others, not to mention ourselves? I see the stepping stones of initiation as the exclusionary clauses implicit in the closed social circles as the same ones that have always existed, from the country club to the high school cliques. How is this overcome? Let me know. I am curious. BB!
I wish I knew some hard and fast rules for it. The best I can say is–come together with people you can be in community with–no matter how few it might be. Keep reminding yourself and each other that you’ve come together intentionally, eyes and hearts wide open–and that no one is the boss, because everyone is. Remember that you’re learning from each other and come together in joy with a purpose. Also, sitting around a fire always helps.