by ashevillewitch | Dec 10, 2014
I haven’t been here much at all since Samhain prep time. A thousand pardons. Samhain is a busy time here in this lively WNC Pagan community–that keeps me on my toes. Then FaerieCon, then a couple of pieces for a local magazine, then ThanksGaia in Atlanta...
by ashevillewitch | Nov 18, 2014
The bands were Faun and SJ Tucker–Sooj–whom I’d seen at the Festival of Souls in mid-October outside of Memphis. We got dolled up (faeried up?) and enjoyed the bands in the ballroom for a while, then retired to a bar in the hotel where we could sit...
by ashevillewitch | Nov 17, 2014
We three met and ate pizza and had tots of a maple-flavored whiskey. We laughed and gossiped and commiserated with the recent accident that broke her ankle. Hours in that welcoming place, witches comparing notes and stories. I think I could literally sit at the...
by ashevillewitch | Nov 15, 2014
To finish up this year of teaching and travelling, I was invited to teach at Faeriecon East, up in Maryland. My friend Star was kind enough to drive and we started out a little before 10 AM, heading first west and then northeast. In a little space of time, we were...
by ashevillewitch | Oct 14, 2014
My new book–no, it’s still unfinished–is called Asfidity and Madstones. I haven’t had any luck in finding old-fashioned asfidity until the really kind people at the Raven and Crone witchery shop found some at one of their sources and ordered...