by ashevillewitch | Nov 23, 2015
Many of us are leaving our comfy hearths behind us to venture into the houses of kith and kindred, hoping for a slice of pie without too much sturm und drang. Is that even possible in these chaotic and polarized times? Maybe. Maybe with a few guiding principles. ...
by ashevillewitch | Nov 17, 2015
Also. Also. The mansplaining has got to stop. As we reach deeply into the real meaning of this thing we call Tower Time (which is actually an enormous cultural shift that will smite us all), we are all called to do our work. Sometimes knowing what that work is can be...
by ashevillewitch | Nov 14, 2015
A witch is a woman who cannot be controlled, who has the forces of the universe at her fingertips…that is why you are confused. You think you must bow and scrape and make nice, when that isn’t what’s required of you at all. Not at all. No more...
by ashevillewitch | Nov 14, 2015
I’ve been fairly active on Facebook this week, what with one thing and another, and I want to save some of that here. As well as sharing with those of you who are not on Facebook. Which is a kind of wisdom in itself. We’re moving this blog over to my...
by ashevillewitch | Nov 5, 2015
(A tip o’ the hat to Kate Laity, whose blog post inspired this one. See the original here before you read my pale imitation, if you please. Star and I are headed North tomorrow, on our way to the beauty,...