by ashevillewitch | Feb 21, 2014
I spent this glorious day in the yard and gardens. I think I have been healed of several ills by that simple action–but my back is a little sore! I had gotten a pretty hellebore before the Yuletide and it was getting sadder and sadder, living in the house....
by ashevillewitch | Feb 15, 2014
The deep unbroken silence of the last couple of days of thick soft snow has given way to the steady drip of icicles transforming into tiny rivers. Who could have predicted a day as warm as this one, after those snowy ones? It’s that queer mountain weather but...
by ashevillewitch | Feb 12, 2014
Brideog from the weekend retreat Samhain usually seems impossibly long, mostly because there are so many things to do, so much preparation for the powerful hinge that happens as Winter descends. We grown used to it after all these years of doing public rituals...
by ashevillewitch | Jan 29, 2014
In the steep and common path of our calling, Be it easy or uneasy to our flesh, Be it dark or bright for us to follow, May your perfect guidance be upon us. Brigid of the Forge, be thou a shield to us! Brigid of the Fold, be thou our shepherd and our healer! In...
by ashevillewitch | Jan 29, 2014
I was given the opportunity to help a grieving family with the arrangements for their loved one’s funeral and that was finished last night–at least my part was finished. Today I have turned my face toward the end of January and the coming of Imbolc. I got...