Days of Bright Wild Leaves

  Western North Carolina is a land of summer camps, many of them church-owned or church-related.  When Summer bids the land here a fond farewell, these camps are used for all sorts of intriguing programs. This past week and weekend, I was at this big camp with...

and then…brussels sprouts

We’re clearing the gardens out–pulling up the ragged bean plants, clearing away the bitten- up cucumbers and stubbornly keeping the okra up a little bit longer.I sowed seed for braising greens and mesclun last week and those have germinated and are almost...

Is There More to Tell About Samhain? Probably.

 This whole Ancestor veneration thing…we European-Americans are still re-membering and re-creating what we do and when we do it. We may know much of our family trees but we still aren’t quite sure how far to take this “Ancestors are the Reason for...

Too Many Statistics

Don’t get me wrong–I like stats.  I’m pretty sure you can muck around with them to prove any point you want to make but I like that someone did the research to find out how many of what sort of thing there is in the world. But last night I attended...