The Only Constant is Change

 or so they tell me.Last night, the cat and I were awakened by a loud crashing coming from the direction of the front porch. Suspecting it might be our occasional nocturnal visitor–the Happy Raccoon–I got up to peer onto the porch. Much to my surprise, it...

I’m Being Followed by a Moon Shadow

Moon shadow? Moon shadow.She’s almost Full again, our beloved satellite. I posted a little thing on Facebook about today being Moon-day and I remembered how–on the long drive up here–the Moon seemed to be waxing even as we watched. A little bigger...

Perfectly Beautiful Weather

 It has been cool and sunny here today–perfect weather for a gathering. There were elders here and a new baby and all of us who fall on the in-between of that spectrum of good life.Food was eaten and enjoyed and stories were shared and tales that everyone...

On the Road Again

No sooner had I landed here in the Homeland–avec chest cold and jetlag–when it was time to add some conditioner to my toiletries kit and hit the road again.I’ll bet Willie uses conditioner.  I didn’t for three weeks because I got a shampoo with...

The Lights in the Valley Below

Many evenings I have returned to my B&B before nightfall and have had the pleasure of watching the lights coming on in the houses below the Tor. This B&B sets on the foot of the Tor and overlooks the Chalice Well Gardens. The house was built on the site of...