Rams’ Heads

On the front corners of my home altar, there are blue ram heads made of plaster. My morning meditations usually begin with me facing the East,  placing the palm of each hand on one of those blue heads and then inclining my own. I did that this morning, after two weeks...

Grain and Dancing and Getting Merry Like Lughnasadh

Mother Grove Goddess Temple does public celebrations of the eight holy days of the ancient calendar, among other things. We go to a park or rented space and we invite all our peeps to join in. Many people prefer a solitary practice but do occasionally like to worship...

Thinking about Oppression, and Magic, and Healing

We are still discussing the Confederate battle flag and what it means to be Southern an what it means to be a Black Southerner.  All of this over on the Facebookery.  My friend Literata posted a meme about the Confederate flag and the swastika.  My responses were...

One Thing or Two, But Not Another

(I posted this to Facebook today and got a wonderful, thoughtful response from a great many people. I am reposting it here with links to some of the references they suggested.) The Alewives discussed equity and justice and agency last night. No, we did not have a...

Strength Be Thine

These are fraught times for many of us. Yes, of course I’m going to advise you to ground and put up shields but I am also going to ask you to be really strong and to reach out to your community–however you define that–and to see who can’t be...