In Memoriam

The Dead are always with us. The whiff of scent, the echo of voice. We in the West are slowly returning to a more intentional veneration of our Beloved Dead, our Forebears, our Ancestors. And today is set aside on our ragged national calendar to remember those who...

Where Did May Go?

It began with the wilds of Beltane, as you know…Kentucky Derby, daughter’s birthday, looming Pagan Unity Festival. And here it is, nearing the end of its lyrical run…June is just around the corner. In the last several years, time has seemed to move...

These Are The Times We Are Made For…no, really

We are all subject to the dramas and disasters that seem to abound in this moment in time.  As always, I ask that you breathe deeply, ground yourself. There.  Marginally better?  Good. I have been dispensing my particular–some would say peculiar–brand of...

The Morning Hours…and later

a table full of show-and-tell “No fancy bottles or charmed symbols, just grandma’s grandma’s herbs in left-over jars, ways whispered back when. But they googled her, “witch”, and lost.”  Granny Kate, on Facebook a quilt at the...

I Hear Her Voice

Last night was filled with tales, with good food, with hot tea and a nip of something else. Today began with snow on the ground and more snow to come–though I didn’t know that when I woke at 6:30. I had planned to sleep until 8 then get ready for this day...