Woad Warrior, redux

I wrote this piece many years ago but I like to trot it out at Beltane and remember how small our WNC Pagan community used to be. And to smile because there is a monstrous great patch of woad in my backyard, golden as the sun today. My friend Jessica processed some...

Travelling Pants

My month-long sojourn to Britain begins this week.  I’ll do some blogging on this site but will mostly be commenting on Facebook. I’ve revamped the Asheville Village Witch page to be Village Witch a-Wandering.  Here’s the link:...

In Honor of the Day

If you’re going all Paddy today, I invite you to remember how your Irish Ancestors came to this country and what they suffered in Ireland that forced them to leave their land. I recommend that you pour them a drop today and thank them for their courage in the...

Three Tricksters and the Current Apocalypse

I was blessed to travel to Pantheacon with two good friends. We traveled together from the airport and we roomed together—easily navigating the shared space of the hotel room, including the wash basin full of iced Guinness and cider bottles. We did some events...