
It’s rained here most of the day so our garden volunteers stayed home from our regularly scheduled time at the Women’s Garden and Wellness Center today.  It has been so good to have steady volunteers at the garden this year–we really are making some headway in growing food and celebrating community there.

We have two big projects now, in addition to planting all the beds and keeping them tended over the growing season.  The first is the herb garden at the front of the house. We’re renovating that one and took many of the herbs out last week and stuck them in a separate nursery bed. We’re planning to make a little pathway there and put in some big perennial herbs.

The other project is clearing out the gathering area and installing a cob bread oven. That will take most of the season, I suspect–and that’s fine.

Today I cut back wineberries, tidied up a bit and then took a walk with Beloved Crone Antiga.  We looked at the redbuds and she took me to show off a bright purple azalea that is in full bloom.  

I am thinking tonight of the doorway between this and that. Between home and the open road. Between winter and spring. Between middle age and cronehood. Between damp and rain.

I’m off to Mississippi very early Monday morning and will try to send dispatches from the road. I’m speaking at the USM, leading a workshop, speaking at a UU fellowship and visiting the bayou.

There may be something to write about in all of that. And the radishes will be up and growing by the time I get back.