It’s been a good month, November. I spent a big portion of it writing a rough draft of my new book. It would more accurately be called a very rough draft but it is indeed an armature for “Asfidity and Mad Stones” and I am grateful for that.
November always seems to be a catching-up month in which I regroup from the excitement of Witch Month and try to put my life on some sort of even footing again. But this year’s October wasn’t bad at all–in fact, it was also a very good month. So there was less of that breathless attempt to regain my footing and more a gentle and thoughtful month.
Again, I am grateful.
And now it is winding down. Thanksgiving is behind us now and winter has definitely come to the southern Highlands. There are preparations to be made for Yuletide giving and celebration but even that seems less frantic than in years passed. It may be due to my intense travelling schedule this year and having two months where my travel was limited to close to home (October) or family visiting (November) may make them seem easier and simpler.
Appropriate, I suppose, this day after Thanksgiving, that my primary feeling is one of gratitude and slight wistfulness. As the Solstice looms on my personal horizon and we enter into the renewed agricultural year, I may be glad of this respite from adventure.