Do you remember that Jiminy Cricket song? Probably not. I used to sing it all the time when I was a toddler and it was a family parlour trick to ask the baby how to spell it for guests. Me, at my parents behest, imitating a prodigy.

I am speaking, teaching and tarot reading this week in the great state of Mississippi. It’s been very good–especially the hanging out with friends parts.

This is a quick not about the world today. We’re in a bit of an astrological funk, in addition to all this Tower Time mess. A bunch of my friends got into verbal fisticuffs on one of my Facebook threads and most folks seem to be a little tetchy. Might be time to sit back a bit and not be so eager for engagement.

I realized today how pleasant it is to hear all these Southern accents. Most of the crowd I run with back home aren’t. Southerners and I hadn’t realized how comfortable it makes me feel.

That’s all’ really, for today. My friend Kuumba died a couple of days ago and I want to think about her a bit.