I’ve been fairly active on Facebook this week, what with one thing and another, and I want to save some of that here. As well as sharing with those of you who are not on Facebook. Which is a kind of wisdom in itself.
We’re moving this blog over to my revised website. It will take longer than a few days, I suspect. But you can go there now and sign up to get updates and the newsletter and such. myvillagewitch.com
I am working on the next essay in the Tower Time folder. I’ll post it when it’s ready. The new book “Asfidity and Mad-Stones” is selling well. Gratitude! If you want it or the first one “Staubs and Ditchwater,” you can order through my website.
Here are the bits from Facebook, in no real order–
It is neither the one nor the other. But both. And neither. And all. That’s how you bust through binary thinking. Which we all must do.
These are your monkeys. This is your circus. There is no “away.”
Perhaps we can all curtail our brow-beating and circular firing squad long enough to spare some prayers for Paris. Solidité.
After a day of intense conversation–ranging from the nature of the Divine to the destruction of the patriarchy–I am spending the evening eating tapas and drinking red wine. And, as usual, I have some advice for us all. Time does not move as we think it does and now is the time to take stock, to step back, to breathe deeply and to open to Mystery. Hear what the little voice behind your ear is whispering. Know your worth. Stand in honor. Red wine is good for your heart. Brie is not but it is delicious. Nothing is a binary. Don’t be an asshole. Words to the wise, from my brie-jammed fingers.
I have no words. There is no path ahead of me for these issues that confront my communities. Why are we so vicious to each other? Why can’t we see the harm we’re inflicting in the name of arrogance and pride? Instead of hexing a bunch of people who don’t know any better, I’ve decided to invoke the Ballard Query and go to my own altar. Deep sleep, and dreams of glory.
New Moon. Dark Moon passed me by this month and I’ve opened my weepy eyes to a New Moon. Breathe. Let the falling leaves bring your grief gently to the sacred bosom of the planet. I won’t nag you to ground–so many of you are wrapped in such grief and fear that grounding isn’t possible, not in any real way. If you can shield, do it. But here is the key–there are people around you, your chosen sisters and brothers, who are facing larger demons than yours. Go to them, either i…n person or by phone or online. Let them feel your strength, even through your pain and heartache. Be there for the people you love and let them be there for you. Breathe. Breathe. And if you pray, go to your altar and speak the words of service and gratitude. Because you are stronger than you think and those who are not so strong need you to be there. I know you can do this. I have faith in you.
I don’t have a sentimental meme to share but I am thinking of all the warriors. My grandfather who was mustard-gassed in France, my father who almost died in North Africa, my neighbor Jackie whose soul was burned to a crisp in Nam. And all the others. And a world that doesn’t understand that sacrifice and war touch all of us and is a thing not of glory, but of heavy grief. Those who are most closely touched by it deserve our love and our tending. And we all deserve an end to frivolous engagements for the sake of national pride, whatever that is. Thanks, sisters and brothers, for your good work.
Dear friends, this old world is slowing down for winter but today was the sort of brightness that clears the mind and fortifies the soul. Here in my community in silly little Asheville, we were still untangling the Waking Life insult to women when the murder of two young women shook many of us to our cores. So forgive me if I can’t speak gracefully about some of the issues that seem to always be roiling the Pagan community. When one equates non-support to violence, it is a sure sign that the writer has personally never experienced violence, on either the giving or receiving end. Wisdom for all of us may come in reining in our love of hysterical “righteous” indignation and to consider those near to us who can use a soft word and a strong hand. Words to the wise.
Some things I suggested this weekend– Be a free human. Take your spiritual work seriously but not your self. Follow the old calendar. Don’t be an asshole.
That’s all for now. If you, as many are, are wondering when Tower Time will get here or when it will end–it is here, we are in it. And I don’t know when it ends. It isn’t like Mercury retrograde.
Words to the wise.
Back at you, Q of E!