Services: Workshops, Classes, Readings

I travel far and wide, teaching at festivals and presenting at conferences.  I offer a variety of services and classes at these gatherings as you can see below. I love teaching and sharing knowledge and experiences with a new audience. It is also particularly lovely when former attendees see me later and tell me their experiences based on the material in one of my classes.

I create new classes every year, and you can find out about where I’m teaching and speaking by checking my social media or the calendar page here.


A Great and Subtle Weaving: an Intro to Animism
Animism is the belief that objects, places and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. Potentially, animism perceives all things—animals, plants, rocks, rivers, weather systems, human handiwork and perhaps even words—as animated and alive.

Basic Protection Magic
This class explores the basics of grounding and shielding then expands into other modes of physical, emotional and spiritual protection that can be utilized in these Tower Times.

Finding the Other Realms Under Suburbia
We all dream of misty woods and meadows of fireflies but many of us live in the concrete forests of urban America.  How can we access the wildwood from a third floor apartment? Do land spirits visit window boxes on fire escapes?  Does a manicured city park contain any real magic?  The answer is a joyful “yes!” Come and learn the secrets of crossing the borders in a world with asphalt pathways and springs of recycled water.

Green and Healing Magic
Many of us are bombarded these days with requests for healing in body, mind and spirit. This class offers ways for the healer to cope–and even thrive—and be helpful whether the healing is needed for kith, kindred, colleagues or self. Gather and use the material in the world around you as you consider the “magic” of intention and other energy work. Learn deep relaxation techniques & spend time with the Seven Sovereign Sisters of the Appalachian mountains.

Hillfolks’ Hoodoo: Appalachia’s Living Folk Magic Tradition
With its gnarly roots in the British Isles, the German Palatinate and in indigenous American tribal practice, Appalachian folk magic is characterized by its hands-on and practical approach, as well as its use of available materials. Though it has come down to us through a Protestant Christians filter, this system is easily adapted to modern Pagan sensibilities.

Honey on the Stones
The counterbalance to living in a culture of death is to embrace the totality of life and enrich the life force through conscious and intentional action. This workshop will explore the Sacred Sexual as a healing modality for both ecosystem and human community.  We will examine techniques for utilizing the life force as it courses through human bodies to enact change in the world around us—sexual activity (partnered or otherwise) as a means of raising energy. This is an intensely adult workshop covering several aspects of sexual activity (including technique) in the service of Earth healing and of magic.

Living Under the Tower: a Discussion
Environmental and cultural challenges surround us and it is tempting to fall into despair or apathy. In this time of destruction, we can choose to live bigger, noisier and more engaged lives. Creating activities and putting protocols in place for and with our communities can lead to more resilience and stronger links in an increasingly isolated world. We’ll brainstorm what is already working in our local groups and consider how we move into this deepening time of possibility. These “hearth gatherings” began in 2019 and have a general shape: we spend some time getting familiar with the idea of Tower Time, then come to a collective understanding of this collapse we are experiencing on all fronts We go from there to visioning about where we go now/next steps, how we grab agency, how we work collectively and individually to “grieve globally and act locally.” By relocalizing everything we can, we will build resilience as well as a kind of hope.

Pitfalls and Pleasures of Online Ritual
This year has seen a broadening of many of our communities as we come together across the ether of the internet. Participants come from many places to partake of ceremonies as they happen or after the fact through videos.  How has this changed the nature of ritual? Of community? We’ll look at what’s worked and what has challenged us as both presenters and attendees—setting, lighting, content, length and all that jazz.

Practical Ancestor Work
Do you dream you fly? Do you wake tired in the morning from a full night of active dreamwork? We’ll work with the wild geese —the Gabble-ratchet— as we learn to travel the dreamscape and step out of ordinary time and into the realm of the ancient calendar, into the realm of the Ancestors. From Ancestor altars to grave decoration, this class explores the possibility of modern, heart-centered Ancestor veneration.

Season of Endarkenment—The Deepening Harvest Cycle
Sometimes our work or curiosity leads us to places we probably wouldn’t go if we thought about it for five seconds. Over the Borderlands and into the Realms? Standing in front of a Thing You Know Not Of?  Not all things in the dark are to be feared nor all things in the light trusted. Come and learn some tricks of the trade.

Sex and the Art of Magical Maintenance
Humans are physical beings and our bodies are our selves as much as our spirits are. Following the success of the sex magic workshop (Honey on the Stones), Sex and the Art invites us to go to the borderland between the physical and the spiritual, to dive into the esoterics of the physical. Participants are urged to wear comfortable clothing and bring their water bottles.

Simple Practical Magic
This is an introduction into the ways of magic. What is it? Why do it? How do you do it? And can you do it? The answer to the last is “yes!” and the other questions (and more) will be covered. This class that is good for beginners and a nice review for the more seasoned magic-workers among us. No wand or cauldron required!

The Tools that Serve Us in Tower Time
In the midst of prolonged challenging times (i.e. Tower Time), we are often called to slow down, to stop and consider what it means metaphysically and to explore how we can use the challenges to best advantage. Many of us recommend viewing such times through the lens of rites of passage or ordeal work. We will look at other ways to bring
meaning to the hardship and trauma, and to consider how strong community can be forged in the iron and fire of these powerful.

Warts, Waters and What Mountain Folk Know
Dive deep into the specific uses of water in Appalachian folk magic. From stump water and willowwater for cures to ditchwater for creativity and dish water for warts, the many uses of this powerful element have been passed down since the early days of immigration.  Learn how they can broaden your own magical practice.

Working with Land Spirits and the Good Neighbors (the Sidhe)
It sounds easy enough to meet the Other Crowd, but have you?  This class is about the folkloric and practical protocols for walking between the worlds of the Seen and Unseen. The time around Autumn brings us into proximity to the residents of the Unseen places.  We’ll explore tales of wonder and mischief across several cultures and look at ways these Spirit People inform the world around us.

Card Readings & Consultations



I've been reading cards for longer than I care to admit, starting with standard playing cards and moving to tarot a couple of years later.


I do in-person readings locally by appointment but can also do phone and Zoom readings. Email me to discuss the options.


I also do consultations on magical matters. Please send me an email to inquire about the possibilities.

Services: Byron Ballard

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