I’m visiting my daughter this weekend and it’s always a time for talk, gardening, eating out and watching weird documentaries.
Right now I’m sitting beside a 3D printer (something I’ve never seen work before) after sharing my lunch with the dog. It’s pretty interesting, this printer. I’m wondering how long this design will take.
My friend James had a stroke a couple of days ago while teaching banjo far from home. His wife Niki flew up to join him and reported this morning that he is better, out of ICU. I’m still worried but not as worried.
Yesterday, my daughter, son-out-law and Joe sat around the table and brainstormed ideas for promoting Feral Church. Tracts? Street preaching? All sorts of very creative ideas from 4 very creative people. It was great!
I’ve done some gardening while here but mostly I’ve been watching the frogs in their little creek. Man, frogs are very cool.