I remember the old days as a blogger when I wrote nearly every day. Sometimes it was trivial silliness, sometimes I tried to be poetic, sometimes I ranted about the state of the world. At least my world.

But I am no such blogger these days. I’m gardening, I’m working on a second book on Appalachian folk magic (Hillfolks Hoodoo) and I’m doing an awful lot of travelling. This year, at any rate.

I have a fun workshop planned for the Glastonbury Goddess Conference and only have a few things to print out and some show-and-tell to organize. I’m terribly grateful to be participating in this conference. And I have an eye on the horizon for at least two more out-of-town conferences this year and another one coming up in early ’14.


I am leaving town in one week and am trying to get ahead of the apple harvest, to get the garden under control (mulch), to make sure I have all I need to keep corresponding with my delightful on-line students..and more!

So I beg your indulgence here and promise I’ll pop in from time-to-time as I travel, to keep you apprised of what Your Village Witch is doing Abroad in the World.

And I also got a nifty tiny spy camera so I’m planning some photos, too.