I spent this glorious day in the yard and gardens. I think I have been healed of several ills by that simple action–but my back is a little sore!

I had gotten a pretty hellebore before the Yuletide and it was getting sadder and sadder, living in the house. Hellebores are often blooming this time of year–either finishing up as “Christmas roses” or prepping themselves for their role as “Lenten roses.”

First, I clipped off last year’s leaves because hellebore always send new ones out when they bloom. This cleared some space for the new hellebore and it gave the baby buds some fresh air and light. The new hellebore has been firmly planted in Hellebore Land, near the gazing ball, and I am hoping it will do well.

I also had two equally sad primroses so spent some time out in the little bed outside the kitchen garden, tidying and admiring the snowdrops. I clipped back the dead peony stems, too, and planted those two primroses near another one.

Next was the slipping back of the mountain mint–a sweet-smelling job to be sure. We planted a couple of roses–one new and one a transplant. I dug three baby woad plants to give to friends and I rejoiced to see tiny leaves on all the elderberries.

The day in the garden helped me put away some of the adrenal-depleting excitement of the last few days. There was a fuel spill into a nearby creek and several of us have been nagging, pushing and cajoling our elected officials to get some information. It looks like the mess is being taken care of but it was slow and frustrating.

But I think it was a way to prepare us for more dramatic and dangerous events to come. Now we have some idea of who to contact and how to proceed and we won’t waste precious time trying to figure that out.

Yes, I know. I need to write that Tower Time piece. But just for today–I loved the Sun on my face and my feet in the soil. Bliss.