This is woad. Ysatis tinctoria. It’s grown as a dye plant but I use it as a magical oil, to access my inner Pict.

Merry May, all!  I’ve spent the day running errands and now it’s too hot outside to work in the garden. That makes it a good day for laundry though so I’ve done two loads and hung them on the clothesline.  As Joe remarks–the solar dryer is on high today!  We had rain yesterday but I’ll need to water today, especially the young seedlings. The radishes are mostly done and the container ones haven’t made themselves into fat radishes yet They are still leaves and expectations.

A Facebook friend gave me a fat galvanized tub and I’m going to try a small water feature in the summer garden. I have some pretty rocks to place around it and will mulch until I can figure out appropriate plants. There’s a solar fountain float at Israel’s garden center and I’ll get one of those to aerate the water. I’m remembering that a frenemy of my daughter’s had a galvanized washtub in the front yard. They refilled it with the hose and it had gold fish in it. No aeration.

I’ll post pictures here and in social media when it’s going.

Happy Beltane!  Blessed Samhain!